Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 13

I love all that mow crew news. Tell those girls I LOVE them!
I totally wich I could go slip n slinding with you. Don't break your arm.
This will be short because breakfast is ready and I am STARVING.
Yesterday we got to the clinic and no one was there. It was supposed
to be an outreach day, so we were worried that they had left us, but
when we found Sam he said that the clinic was closed that day for
departmental meetings. Awesome. That would have been good to know
before we woke up early and got to the clinic. So, we didn't work
AGAIN yesterday. 5 day weekend anybody? So instead, we went and laid
out in the sun (my favorite!) until around noon, when Sam said he
would take us to see Kampala.
I'm not going to lie, I kind of hated Kampala. It was SO DIRTY. Like,
dusty and grimy, not like full of pornography. The traffic was the
worst I have ever seen in my life, and there is no way there are any
sort of emissions standards. Also, no traffic lights or crosswalks.
You just had to cross the street like Frogger. Sam would just kind of
dart in the road and we would follow, trying not to die. Savannah and
I have come to the conclusion that Africa is very bad for our
language. What with the spiders, driving on the wrong side of the
road, and the crossing the street, we have had more than the usual
opportunities to swear, which neither of us really want to do. Plus,
if we were to get hit by a car crossing the street, we wouldn't want
our last words to be a swear word. So we decided to not swear anymore.
Therefor, on our next trek across the street, we sang "Seize the Day"
from Newsies. Seize the day is a much better last phrase than a swear.
However, as we were crossing ,a GIANT semi came out of nowhere heading
straught fot us. It falshed its lights at us, but made no signs of
stopping. THe road was so narrow and there were cars on either side of
us, so we had nowhere to go. I was sure we were going to die. The
truck stopped at the last minute, but I didn't keep my lanugage goal
very long. It went more like this: "Don't be afraid and don't delay.
Nothing can break us no one- HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Hahahahahahha so much for that goal. But I'm still trying.
The one good thing about Kampala is that they have fast food
restaraunts. We all have been craving burgers SO BAD and we finally
got one! So I am happy!
Thanks so much for your emails! Love you all!
Love, Stefanie

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